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Who we are


Lianne Timbers-Sharp

For almost 25 years I have embraced and loved my role in community health care as an Occupational Therapist.  Occupational Therapy is all encompassing and addresses the things we want to do each day, breaks down the tasks, determines the barriers and then creates practical strategies on how to function and meet goals…the perfect recipe for success!!


Combined with a degree in Psychology, and a focus on mental health, mindfulness, cognitive behavioural strategies and sensory integration, I have witnessed and experienced first hand the benefits and successes that truly come from self-exploration, determination and hard work. 


In my youth I experienced loss and tragedy, and after many years of suffering, decided it would not define who I am.   

As part of my journey of growth and survival, I focused on fitness, health, nature and my family. 


I made some tough decisions, muddled through some hard times, and have come out the other side with a great career combining OT and Real Estate,  two amazing children, two fabulous step-children, and my biggest cheerleader and best friend, my husband Paul.


I am a GOAL SETTER and ACHIEVER!        

I believe in MAKING things happen, rather then sitting back and letting things happen.


I embrace mother nature and quiet solitude.  My soul and spirit are energized by the sounds of birds singing, the wind blowing in the trees and the waves crashing on the shore.


I value every day and every step I take along my journey.  I swim because I can.  I bike because I can.  I run because I can.

I love because I AM!


I live in the moment without regret.  I take risks.  

I love and I cry, and yes self-doubt creeps in now and again.

I am protective of my heart, but once you get to know me, you will feel it’s enormity. 


I am proud to be a woman who is not defined by society’s ideologies….I am who I am, and this is me!!

…and now it’s time to share and inspire others like you to ACHIEVE!!!

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Andrea Leja

I am  a wellness activist, mother of three, partner to one, and a grateful lover of life. My personal wellness journey began in 2003, when I was diagnosed with MS. Subsequently, in 2006 my 6 year old daughter was diagnosed with a life threatening illness, and in 2009 my son was diagnosed with epilepsy.  I felt my life spiralling out of control.  I had no one to turn to for the answers to the wellness questions I was seeking.  


In an effort to understand the existential dilemmas of why things were happening to us, I turned to Theology, Philosophy and Quantum physics, which lead to going back to University to study Natural Medicine (I may be 90 when I am done, lol).


I am also an Interior Designer, Professional Organizer, Holistic Scholar, Practitioner, Advisor & Ambassador of Divine Love.


CREATIVITY is my purpose. LIGHT is my freedom. LOVE is my answer.


I yearn to be generous, kind and tender; not just in the good times, but also when pain, anger & injustice appear insurmountable.   I am fearless in my devotion to family and friends and boldly (some would say provocatively) share from my Heart.


I am a little shy, reserved and love my solitude.  But ask me about soulful living, embracing consciousness or the simple pleasures of Life – a spark ignites and the extrovert within me is ablaze with passion.


I am a freedom seeker through and through.


My most glorious achievements are my beautiful children, a marriage that gets better with age (kinda like a fine wine)

and sharing my life's work -all intermingled to create a life well lived in deeply sweet & reverent service.  


Me in this moment?  I have a wild hunger to write and to inspire people from the inside out.

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